Old Architecture: About the Old Architecture Style

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Sunday, March 30, 2008 


About the Old Architecture Style

The castle was Hampton Court Palace, outside of London. It was Henry Vlll's castle. This was one of 60 "residences" he had and his favorite outside of London. Like all castles and old architecture by the State, Church or the Monarchy, it is amazing in its size and splendor. They had a lot of resources and the will to build magnificent structures where the aesthetic is still beautiful today. However! now on to my politics. The whole time I was at this castle I was annoyed and grated upon by knowing who had it built and knowing how these people achieved their wealth, and knowing the lack of moral compass that they had. I just could not separate the two, the aesthetic with the lack of aesthetic, to me, of the protagonists. Henry Vlll beheaded his 5th wife on weak charges of Adultery, some say because she couldn't bear him a male heir.
This was not a good guy.I found many people oohing and awing in the castle. I asked one lady, who was sharing a bench with me, what she thought of it all. She said, "it is really splendid, no?" I asked her whether she had any other observations, which kind of led the witness a bit, and she then aid that the difference between this opulence and the common man was pretty striking or something to that effect. However, she was not as disgusted by it as I was.

I have also decided not to visit any more historical sites like this. They are all pretty much the same and if I'm going to be this frustrated, I don't want to go anymore.

The gardens were nice, especially this garden with these giant, hundreds of years old, Yews. I've never seen ones so mature. They really were amazing and since it was raining, there were few people and there was this fog that cast an ethereal quality over the scene.

I also went through a labyrinth/maze in one of the gardens, made of Yew hedges. The lesson learned in it, which I kind of guessed right, while I was in it, was don't take the short cut in life, as if you did take what looked like a shorter route in the maze, it would lead you to a dead end. I only made the mistake once.

Berlin is Germany’s liveliest city and one of the most fascinating capitals in the world. You’ll find no other place where art and culture, museums and theatres, entertainment and nightlife are more diverse and exciting than on the banks of the Spree River. Once reunited, Berlin quickly developed into a cosmopolitan city, and today there is an air of energy and vibrancy about it.


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  • From Manggar - Belitung, BABEL, Indonesia
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